What are the benefits of dance uniforms?


Impact requires dance uniforms for our Pre-Dance Program, and there are countless benefits to having uniforms that we would love to share. Dance is an area in which practicality of clothing needs to be considered. Inappropriate clothes can cause distractions, discomfort, and even injury. Our leotards come with an attached skirt, allowing students to practice as comfortably as possible. No more worries about skirts falling down or getting in the way of arm positions! With the Impact Dance Studio logo on the back, students feel a sense of belonging to a group; much like sports teams wear uniforms. If a dance school is known for high standards, many feel proud to wear their uniform. Another positive aspect of dance uniforms is that they do not distract attention from performance. All students should concentrate on dancing, not on what everyone is wearing. This also eliminates potential bullying if a student is wearing less trendy attire than others. With uniforms, instructors are able to gauge performance equally between individuals, helping them to recognize which students are doing well with a new move and which require a bit more assistance. A major benefit of uniforms for parents is that they are cost effective! Parents are only required to purchase one dance outfit per dance season. Not to mention it eliminates any fussing on which color leotard or tutu to wear. We are very pleased with how well our uniforms have been working out thus far. The students feel great, look professional, and dance beautifully!

What color uniform does my dancer wear?

Beginning & Continuing Pre-Dance– Pink uniform leotard, pink tights, & shoes (pink ballet/black tap)

Kinder Combo- Black uniform leotard, pink tights, & shoes (pink ballet/black tap)

1st Grade & Up Ballet– Black leotard (skirt optional), pink tights, & pink ballet shoes.


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